Klebang Beach, Malacca Town.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Original Source: http://www.facebook.com/notes/alex-chou/%E5%AB%81%E7%B5%A6%E5%B7%A5%E7%A8%8B%E5%B8%AB%E7%9C%9F%E5%A5%BD/420639237197
Author: Alex Chou
一.醫生 幾乎所有女人都喜歡追求當醫生的。所以不要期望你們的婚姻能持續五年以上,因為早晚有一天,他會跟某個護士小姐跑掉的,或是被一個假裝生病的年輕女人勾引走。這種倒霉事還往往發生在你已經為他生了幾個小孩的時候。你的工程師丈夫不會發生這種事。因為他忙得連見你的時間都很少,更別說有機會跟他工作以外的其它女人接觸了。
二.律師 你真認為你可以和一個靠撒謊謀生的人能保持誠實、信任的關係嗎?而你不用擔心你的工程師丈夫,他笨拙的社交能力將無法掩蓋他的謊言。跟律師結婚還有一個危險,那就是離婚時,官司往往他打贏,你將一無所有。
三. 推銷員 他的可信程度比律師還差。另外,他還要常常離家出差,或是到處上課和開會,和那些有著同樣可信度的人混在一起。如果有一天你被邀請出席聞所未聞的千人大派對時,你不要感到驚訝。而你的工程師丈夫卻被公司整天關在那叫做"小隔間"的鳥籠裡,除了回家,那裡都去不了。
四.老師 男人當教師的唯一目的是,他能整天被一大群青春貌美,又盲目崇拜他的女學生團團圍住。于是,他很快就會被抓到監獄,那時你只得琵琶別抱另尋郎。其它危險的職業,如消防員,建築工人等。如果你嫁給這種人,他即便沒有因意外事故死亡,也很可能會因脊椎受損而導致性無能。要命的是,那時正值你的性需求尖峰期。而你那位工程師丈夫要面對的唯一危險是,由於整日盯著計算機,視力將會衰退。這危險其實對 你有好處︰當你變老時,他不會注意到,因為他的視力模糊了。但他的記憶力卻非常好,仍記著你們初次相會時你那年輕美麗的容貌。假如你擔心他在望著別的年輕女人,對他說︰「親愛的,你干嘛老瞧著她呀?」他會很誠實地回答說︰「我根本無法看清那女人的臉﹗」
-----嫁給工程師的好處 [反証版]----
3..男工程師呆板無趣,根本不活在人的社會中,只活在圖表的世界裡, 所以你不必花心思去取悅他。
10. 男工程師除了以上之外毫無魅力可言,所以嫁給他不用擔心他有外遇。
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Hey guys!! I am actually featured on Hennessy Artistry’s youtube video clip!! AND MY PART OF THE CLIP IS ACTUALLY USED AS THE THUMBNAIL!!
Here’s the video clip!
edit: they took the video off the net.. duno why.. lucky i downloaded it before they removed it.. but my pic is no longer the thumbnail
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Team’s Ignorance & Arrogance..

Being a proud owner of LG Optimus 7, I was disappointed when i first open the box. After a day or 2, got used to the phone and started to love the phone for its simplicity, ease of usage the obvious research and development Microsoft have put in this phone’s predictive input (much better over iPhone, Android & Symbian).
I am extremely disappointed, however, being unable to purchase ANY apps from the market place on my wp7 in Malaysia. This is something i do not understand. I can make credit card purchases online, via MasterCard or visa almost everywhere.. why cant i make app purchase online just because my country is not supported? why do you need to support Malaysia in the first place? Amazon does not support due to shipping reasons (amazon does not ship to Malaysia), its not like Microsoft is going to ship their applications to Malaysia.. so what is the problem with Malaysians (and a lot other 'non-supported nations').
Best thing is, i see from tech forums around the world saying apps developers is unhappy to the low sales of their applications.. WELL, the sales could have been MUCH better if WE COULD PAY for them, rather than relying on trial versions..
first, the delays in updates. This i do not understand, because my phone is not branded, not locked.. and my network operator doesn't even test it unlike many other operators.. so the delays, are solely Microsoft.. WHY THE DELAYS?! i would have received NODO update only 2 weeks ago if i didn't use the Canadian gateway method to update my phone.

Now this.. I am stuck with free apps (i am lucky to be using LG, due to their large amount of free apps for LG phones) and trials. I cannot even enjoy a decent game! for example, PES, NFS.. i love those games.. and would love to buy them.. but i cant. for some reason, when trying to enter my credit card details, the billing address field for 'country' is locked to Singapore!! since my card is Malaysian, it is obvious why my card failed its authentication.
emails to Microsoft fell on deaf ears.. even postings in their forum produced no help, except 'Microsoft's marketplace team is hard at work to bring support to more countries'.. can they be more specific? How long has wp7 been out? I personally have been using since last Christmas.. do i have to wait for the next Christmas? or the one after this?
there is tonnes of great, cool & useful applications in the marketplace, but i cannot use any of them due to being unable to pay for them. Some of those tools are really cheap and wont even cost a dent to my wallet yet I am not able to use them..
In modern days, the sole difference between smartphones, besides the OS (the O/S is all similar nowadays), is the applications and support. Looks like Microsoft has a lot more to improve before it could ever catch up to Apple or Google.. including revenue. It is always bad for business to ignore potential paying customers..
by this Christmas, if they do not fix the marketplace app, I'll b selling off this phone.. no point in keeping it if i cant even purchase proper apps. I love this phone, but the inability to purchase apps is killing me. Android & iPhones has no problems with their payment gateway.. why only Microsoft? and support for customized ringtone comes in 3rd party jailbreak & hacks.. this is nonsense.. unable to play video's sound via BT headsets.. this is another major issue that should have been address in NODO.. not sure if its even IN mango update..
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Different types of Poop or Shit.. and how to flush them down.. and how it relates to our workplace..
Today afternoon, as I entered my toilet for my urge to release certain tension build up in my abdomen area, armed with a very good book which I acquired recently, ‘A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’, (ISBN: 9789675997228), I was dawned by a series of rapid release of a mixture of liquid, solids and gaseous secretions which is the direct source of my abdomen discomfort.
Upon flushing, there is one extreme stubborn solid, that just wont go down.. commonly known as ‘Floating Log’ shit.. which just wont go down after 2 flushes.. which started me thinking.. in our daily lives, at work, we encounter all types of ‘SHIT’ and to each type, there is always a way to solve the problem.
Similar to our daily job, the types of shit we encounter, similar to our poop in the toilet bowl, some goes down quietly without argument, some will swirl and move down along with the flushing water.. some will go down after a fight, leaving traces of their struggle along the toilet bowl, and some just wont go down.. after flushing, it will just float right out.
Now, you may think, what difference does it all make? and how will it relate to our workplace? Simple. Everyday at work, we receive jobs or tasks to perform. It may be analytical, physical, last minute or a mixture of all that. For last minute jobs, we tend to be more messy in our handling due to haste and the rush to resolve it. Some tasks, may seem simple but takes a lot of time to complete.
When we go to work everyday in the mornings, and receive tasks for the day, or backlog from the previous day, we tend to solve it in a way we feel is the most confortable. Such as ‘flushing the toilet bowl’. But similar to our toilet experience, this is quite alright for most of the tasks we receive. But what about the more troublesome ones?
Lets start with the types that leaves trail marks on your toilet bowl. It is similar to you completing a task, only to receive lots of comment from superiors or colleagues, we tend to just redo the tasks without fully understanding what is required and what is lacking. The superior or colleague may not fully tell you what you need to know to complete the tasks completely, or YOU yourself might not LISTEN fully to what your superior/colleague has to say, and perform you task. (such as re-flushing the toilet bowl). What will this accomplish? nothing.. just a waste of water resource and the trail is still there, albeit a bit less.. but it is still there. lets treat the water as time.. precious time has been wasted..
What we should have done, perhaps is to understand what happened, what went wrong and why your work is not accepted. Only then, you work on a solution to solve the problem. In the toilet bowl’s incident, you may need to use a strong water gun (conveniently available in most Malaysian toilets) or a toilet bowl scrub (or whatever it is called) to remove the trail before flushing. This will ultimately clear all traces of the tasks on the toilet bowl leaving it clean and hygienic, and to the satisfaction of your superiors/colleagues.
What if you encountered the stubborn floating log shit? that just wont go down no matter how many times flush? You can continue to keep repeating your job without analysis, and have your superior reject your work everytime, OR you can analysis the situation, listen carefully to what your superior wants from you and SOLVE IT.
So how DO I remove a floating shit? There is 3 popular ways to do that.. Either you can remove it via flushing MANY MANY times, the most resource wasting method, or the ‘not-so considerate’ manner of letting it mellow for a couple of hours before flushing again.
The 3rd way, may be the messy way, but fastest and most efficient way of solving the problem. To use the Watergun or the ‘toilet bowl brush’ to whack the floating shit into smaller portions.. before flushing it down.
Similar to many difficult problems, the method of using the watergun or toilet bowl brush, will be the same as calling for meetings, meet all concerned parties and brainstorm on the problem and how each of us could play a role of solving the problem. Of course, this being your ‘shit’ you have to chair the discussion/meeting. This will be similar to the task of breaking up the shit into many pieces..
Then, when everyone agrees to a certain deadline, you flush the toilet at the deadline, that is calling for a discussion/meeting to follow up. This is similar to the flush after you break up the stubborn shit. BUT, this ‘flush’ will not be clean yet.. because there will still be people or parties that have not completed their tasks yet.. thus the toilet bowl will still have some small pieces of ‘debris’ floating around.. after which, upon the conclusion of the meeting, you flush the toilet again.. and this time.. the toilet bowl will be clean.
And of course, for all types of shit, there is always the most irresponsible method, to leave it and let someone else solve your shit..
This is how I see my daily work, and how I come to solve my problems. I hope it will bring good use to all my readers.
Thank you.